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Morgan Freeman, retransmisión fallida
The Island of Doctor Moreaugan Freeman (LIDMF)
The origins of this website, including its name, are due to the golden age of facebook. In which we all swam in abundance, no one broke tedious rules that would arise later with atrocious censorship and with an iron fist that began the end of many pages like this one. Ending virtual and collective relationships that Fuckerberg himself let grow to cut them down later with his incompetent tyranny and sobriety, thus adapting to facefuck in a highly censored and emasculating world. This, in turn, would lead to the coinage of the term "Flanders": 
character with fine skin and complexion of little debauchery, automaton since childhood and responsible for denouncing publications that plunged LIDMF into misery along with others. 

In his heyday, being on the crest of the wave, "The Island of Doctor Moreaugan Freeman" was devised from the well-known "Lina Morgan Freeman". In both cases, the objective was the same: to create an alternate reality, taking word games much further by capturing them graphically. Many joined this new fashion, which really invented "Tuesday and Thirteen", although in this case it was the Internet stage that saw the resurgence of this type of humor again.
The means did not matter, whether it was "Paint", "Photoshop" or any type of tool to carry out these perpetrations everywhere that characters hidden in the shadows and protected by anonymity, carried out daily, achieving likes like never after. ver. 

In the case of "The Island of Doctor Moreaugan Freeman" it was used as a reference to the two iconic characters that its name indicates. On the one hand, "Doctor Moreau" played by Marlon Brando, in "The Island of Doctor Moreau" and on the other, the legendary and adorable character Morgan Freeman. The union between the two was perfect, since Doctor Moreau was in charge of generating hybrids between animals and humans in his laboratory, which did not diverge much from what has been done on this page since 2008. On this occasion it would be the hybridization between puns which would result in new characters from existing ones, using "Photoshop" as a laboratory, among others.

And after years of innumerable and hilarious posts, fan participation and collaboration of all kinds of insane, the sad end would come that would wipe out an entire community of creators. Fuckerberg will therefore be and will continue to be for many the eternal enemy of our historical legacy, which blew up the day he decided to delete the LIDMF page along with all the creations made over the years by this server and countless other fans. who saw a place as a creative refuge that not only ended up turning its back on them, but also leaving us all without contact, lost in cyberspace and without the opportunity to meet again. Use this web page to go back to rescue them. 

And without further rancor, and trying not to mention "Mr. Fuckerberg" again, that alien who tries to go unnoticed among human beings, I will describe below the stages of LIDMF on facebook, with its different avatars and situation in which it found itself for back then, according to the time line that runs from 2008 until its disappearance in 2019.

It is
LIDMF Origen de una tradición


In this first stage, La Isla began its adventures in the world of "Facefuck" and relied on the "Lina Morgan Freeman" page to make its own photomontages, which were surprising at the time, beginning to collect fans who were arriving daily. for the same purpose. You have to remember that at this time, the fan pages acted just like the groups do now in "Facefuck". Everyone posted on a general wall, without restrictions or censorship. It was the best time, the most original and productive. There were many collaborators and the "Haters" did not yet exist, much less the "Flanders".


LIDMF, Etapa Desarrollada


In this second stage, the growth and fame of La Isla began thanks to an administrator of "Cabronazi" (Javi Díaz), whom I must thank for all his interest and support in helping me attract fans from his page, since Cabroworld was the fashion of the moment and what triumphed in the nets even of fishing. Cabronazi shared posts from "The Island of Doctor Moreaugan Freeman", at the time that "Facefuck" had not yet diminished the reach of the posts and thousands of people were reached without paying anything. Not even paying today, you reach so many people. In this way, La Isla managed to carve out a niche among the best known on the internet and had its golden age, despite the coming consequences.


Morgan He-Man y Fin de LIDMF


Third and final stage in the existence of this prolific "Facefuck" page that ended up sinking due to harassment and demolition of complaints from users who were not exactly related to the freethinking ideals of its members. Overnight, the entire community of fans, including family and friends, were forcibly banished by the algorithm that decided who should live and who should die in the reich created by Adolf Fuckerberg. It should be noted that it had already been created "morgan he-man"as a safe-conduct in the face of this foreseeable situation and that due to the photomontage that you can see and the sensation caused as a profile photo, it would finally end up becoming anotherpage.


Breve Resurgimiento de LIDMF Quarantine


As the bad omen that was about to happen to the world with the Covid apocalypse, after the destruction of The Island, we tried to reappear immediately with this new clothing and name to try to compose ourselves, but it was useless. As soon as we began to accumulate fans, aware of our sinking, "Facefuck" once again and acting with an iron fist, unceremoniously deleted the page again, not even giving an opportunity to what our new behavior would be, which was never bad, but frowned upon Shortly after, the tragedy would hit the world with a new virus that nobody knew about and that on this occasion I am not referring to "Fuckerberg" 


If Rocky has taught us anything, it's that life is like a boxing match, it doesn't matter how many times you get knocked down, but how many times you get up and keep fighting for what you want. If I have brought any tears from you... you are julandrones...

Well, here I am again, since they won't let me play their game, I've decided to create my own, free of offended people, rabble and Pharisees, it's my scatergories and I'll take it with me.
In this new situation, I have decided to take off my Freeman mask and show my face. So that you can recognize me more easily on the street and break my neck if necessary. Or if, on the contrary, this Christmas I deserve a gift for being so enthusiastic.
Nothing really matters, we are meteorite fodder and one day the world will stop rotating or fall out of its orbit, cyberspace will cease to exist and with it the life of this idiot planet. 
In the meantime, you can visit the crumbs that "Facefuck" has left behind from our ancient Freeman civilization. On the one hand
LIDMF by Andrew C. Keeper, the technical page. And on the other, the infallible humor pagemorgan he-man...  
Although I don't recommend you relax either, stretch your necks, watch your skies... See you in 7 days friends...


Andrew C. Keeper, El Artífice, The Man Behind.

Note: I recommend the song "Shine on You Crazy Diamond" by Pink Floyd, to read this entire section.

LIDMF by Andrew C. Keeper

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